hello Please help i can not create a Github Repo keep Getting this error and this is the ARN for my Code Connection FOR Github
I get this error
Invalid Connection ARN arn:aws:codeconnections:us-east-1:930202xxxx:connection/xxxxxxe64-a2d4-43a7-XXXX-26xxxdf41c54d. Verify your input and try again.
if i change the ARN to
i also get this error
Account XXXXXXXXX does not have access to connection arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXX:connection/xxxxxxe64-a2d4-43a7-XXXX-26xxxdf41c54d
and i have given the following permission to my Cloudformation Role
######-------______ AWS CodeStarNotifications Policies ______---------######
# Statement: []
- Effect: Allow
Sid: CodeStarNotificationsActions
Resource: '*'
Action: ['codestar-notifications:*']
######-------______ AWS CodeStarConnections Policies ______---------######
# Statement: []
- Effect: Allow
Sid: CodeStarCodeConnectionsActions
Resource: '*'
Action: ['codestar-connections:*']
Here is My Cloudfromation Code
Type: AWS::CodeStar::GitHubRepository
Description: Creating GitHub repository for application source code
DeletionPolicy: Delete
RepositoryName: !Ref RepositoryName
RepositoryDescription: !Sub "${RepositoryName} containing source and additional resources"
RepositoryOwner: !Ref GitHubRepositoryOwner #The GitHub user name for the owner of the GitHub repo to be created
EnableIssues: true
IsPrivate: true
ConnectionArn: !Ref GitHubCodeConnectionArn
Please i need help Solving this. beacue i think this might be an issue with AWS
Not Working and Everything seems Okay (Permission Set and ARN Correct) i have done and used this same stuff before it just that now i keep giving this error