CodeConnection: Invalid Connection ARN arn:aws:codeconnections:us-east-1:930202xxxx:connection/xxxxxxe64-a2d4-43a7-XXXX-26xxxdf41c54d. Verify your input and try again.


hello Please help i can not create a Github Repo keep Getting this error and this is the ARN for my Code Connection FOR Github


Enter image description here

I get this error

Invalid Connection ARN arn:aws:codeconnections:us-east-1:930202xxxx:connection/xxxxxxe64-a2d4-43a7-XXXX-26xxxdf41c54d. Verify your input and try again.

if i change the ARN to arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:930202xxxx:connection/xxxxxxe64-a2d4-43a7-XXXX-26xxxdf41c54d i also get this error

Account XXXXXXXXX does not have access to connection arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXX:connection/xxxxxxe64-a2d4-43a7-XXXX-26xxxdf41c54d

and i have given the following permission to my Cloudformation Role

          ######-------______ AWS CodeStarNotifications Policies ______---------######
          # Statement:  []
          - Effect: Allow
            Sid: CodeStarNotificationsActions
            Resource: '*'
            Action: ['codestar-notifications:*']
          ######-------______ AWS CodeStarConnections Policies ______---------######
          # Statement:  []
          - Effect: Allow
            Sid: CodeStarCodeConnectionsActions
            Resource: '*'
            Action: ['codestar-connections:*']

Here is My Cloudfromation Code

    Type: AWS::CodeStar::GitHubRepository
    Description: Creating GitHub repository for application source code
    DeletionPolicy: Delete
      RepositoryName: !Ref RepositoryName
      RepositoryDescription: !Sub "${RepositoryName} containing source and additional resources"
      RepositoryOwner: !Ref GitHubRepositoryOwner #The GitHub user name for the owner of the GitHub repo to be created
      EnableIssues: true
      IsPrivate: true
      ConnectionArn: !Ref GitHubCodeConnectionArn

Please i need help Solving this. beacue i think this might be an issue with AWS

1 Answer

I would check for three things:

  1. Verify connection ARN. Make sure you are using the correctly formatted ARN and that it points to an existing and active connection.
  2. CHeck your IAM role used by cloudformation has the right permissions to access the codestar connection.
  3. Are you using the correct service name/service prefix?
profile picture
answered a month ago
  • Not Working and Everything seems Okay (Permission Set and ARN Correct) i have done and used this same stuff before it just that now i keep giving this error

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