ddr_is_ready not being asserted


I am simulating my design after connecting it to the DDRB, but ddrb_is_ready doesnt get asserted.

I am using the IPI flow. I have customized the F1 IP to enable DDRB interface and connected the DDRB AXI interface and the ddrb_is_ready signal to my design. Now when I run the test, ddrb_is_ready is not asserted. I have ran the simulation for more than 280us, but don't see the ddrb_is_ready going up. Below is the instruction sequence from my test.sv. What am I missing.

initial begin

  //Read the status register (original wait for 400ns then enable, #40000)  
  tb.peek_bar1(0, `IP_STATUS_REG, rdata, 6'h0);  

  // allow memory to initialize  
asked 5 years ago223 views
1 Answer

@awsbalasram Thanks. I found and ended up adding tb.init_ddr() to my routine. Which basically includes exactly the statements pointed out by you. After this I can confirm that the ddr_is_ready signal goes up.

answered 5 years ago

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