Denied as Amazon affiliate again !


I am new to the Amazon affiliate program - I was given my user ID and after a week was denied. I have made multiple sales, posted the OA in my bio and created a website that I own (via purchase from godaddy)- - this is what my violation was - can someone help me understand ? The violation/s include the following: Your website is a search engine site which is not allowed in our program and does not meet our content standards. An example can be found here: Your website/app is a popular site rather than a complete and valid URL owned by you where you intend to display links to Amazon. As a reminder, if you are applying using a social media page, we need the full URL for your individual page on that site in order to process your application. An example can be found here: Help !

asked 2 years ago490 views
1 Answer

The domain name is almost identical to so it like you are pretending to be Amazon. Change that domain name / company name and you can become an affiliate.

answered 2 years ago

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