Can we use CloudFront with S3 buckets stored in private VPCs?


My client has stored their files in an S3 bucket within a private VPC. Some architects have expressed concerns about using Amazon CloudFront to improve access speed due to the private VPC setup. However, I believe it's feasible with the right configuration.

Can someone confirm if CloudFront can indeed be used to accelerate access to files stored in an S3 bucket within a private VPC? Are there specific configurations or considerations I should be aware of to ensure secure and efficient content delivery via CloudFront in this setup?

Any insights or experiences shared would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

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asked 2 months ago288 views
2 Answers

Hi, just to clarify - a bucket isn't in a VPC. You may have VPC endpoints in VPCs for accessing the S3 service, and S3 buckets may be private or public.

You can use Origin Access Control (OAC) to use a private S3 bucket as a CloudFront origin. The only public access to data in the bucket will be via CloudFront.

answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago


Yes, you are correct. CloudFront can be used to accelerate access to files stored in a private S3 bucket within a VPC. Here's the gist:

  • Feasible: CloudFront works with private S3 buckets.
  • Security: Requires additional configuration like Origin Access Identity (OAI) to restrict access and VPC endpoints for private traffic flow.
  • Efficiency: Improves access speed by caching content at edge locations closer to users.

There are specific configurations to consider for secure and efficient delivery:

  • OAI: Grants CloudFront read access to the private S3 bucket.
  • VPC Endpoints: Routes traffic between CloudFront and S3 privately within the VPC, bypassing the internet.
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answered 2 months ago

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