SageMaker Studio projects in VpcOnly mode without internet access


A customer is using SageMaker Studio in VpcOnly mode (VPC, protected subnets without internet access, NO NAT gateways). The all functionality is fine. However, when I try create a SageMaker projects - as described here, SageMaker Studio is unable to list the project templates (timeout and unspecified error) resulting in empty list of the available project templates.

Projects are enabled for the users - as described here. The problem is with project creation.

Is internet access (e.g. via NAT gateways) is needed for SageMaker projects?

asked 3 years ago1346 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Figured it out. SageMaker Studio projects need Service Catalog access and VPCE for com.amazonaws.${AWS::Region}.servicecatalog

answered 3 years ago

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