EC2 Auto scaling



I have spun up a windows server 2022 virtual machine with 16vCPU and 64GB .I would be utilising this server to download a simulator called eve-ng to practice my CCNP Data centre labs running NexUs AND ACI switches simulations .

I understand AMAZON has an auto scaling feature to scale the infrastructure up and down but is there any feature i can utilise to increae and decrease the compute capacity of a single server being used based on the vCPU utilisation ? If yes,how can this be implemented

I was instructed to get windows server with minimum 16 cores and 64GB mem,however,the instance i have spun up runs on a 8 core processor thereore to minimise any workload related issue can i have an autoscaling place on this individual server ?

asked 9 months ago306 views
2 Answers

Within certain constraints you can stop the running instance, change it's type, and start it again. This is the same as in previous answer but without taking the snapshot and creating a completely new instance. See

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answered 9 months ago
Accepted Answer

You bring up a good questionabout scaling AWS infrastructure to meet changing demands. There are two main approaches here - vertical scaling (scaling up/down an individual instance) and horizontal scaling (adding more instances).

For your single Windows Server 2022 instance, you cannot automatically scale the vCPUs up and down on the fly. With EC2 instances, you would need to shutdown the instance, create an EBS snapshot to save the data, launch a new instance with more vCPUs, and attach the EBS volume. This process allows you to "scale up" that instance, but requires brief downtime.

Auto Scaling allows you to define rules to automatically launch more EC2 instances (horizontal scaling) when certain conditions are met (e.g. CPU utilization).

The key difference is that Auto Scaling and load balancers handle horizontal scaling across servers, while vertical scaling requires stopping, resizing, and restarting a single server. For most workloads, I'd recommend architecting for horizontal scalability to start. But for your use case verticle seems to make sense. Also be aware that you can stop the instance when you are not using it to save your budget.

profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 9 months ago

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