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Amazon WorkMail - You have exceeded the sending limit for this account.


We're unable to send outgoing emails with Amazon WorkMail: You have exceeded the sending limit for this account.

We haven't been able to send any emails through WorkMail, hard to believe we have reached the sending limit.

I already opened a support call and we received the message from:


Thank you for contacting us. 

We see that your current sending limit is 50,000 messages per day. You can view the current sending rate and sending quota for your account on the Sending Statistics page of the Amazon SES console, or by using the GetSendQuota API.

I have confirmed that your account is active and able to send email in the US East (N. Virginia) region.


asked 2 years ago1.6K views
2 Answers


I'm sorry to hear you're encountering problems with sending mails via WorkMail. I'm sorry to inform you this is in line with the WorkMail terms of service. WorkMail is a business mail and calendaring solution which means its not meant for bulk/automated mailing. You can leverage SES for bulk/automated mailing.

WorkMail has very strict monitoring on bounces and complaint messages. If your organization is causing too much of either you will receive a notification in your personal health dashboard. If you think your use case is a valid one, you can use that notification to work with the team to unblock your organization.

Kind regards, Robin

answered 2 years ago

Did you end up resolving this?

answered a year ago

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