Can I create a Windows 11 virtual machine or EC2 in AWS west coast region?


Would like to create (not VMware transfer to AWS) a net-new Windows 11 virtual machine or instance in the west coast AWS region. Preferably, the instance to be setup on 75.2.13 or 99.83.156 subnet. How can I do this please?

asked 11 days ago24 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hello DazaGood,

AWS currently does not offer direct support for Windows 11 images on the EC2 platform. However, as mentioned by you, it is possible to bring your own Windows 11 image using the VM Import/Export feature. You can find more details in the official AWS blog: Bringing Your Windows 11 Image to AWS with VM Import/Export.

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answered 11 days ago
  • Thank you very much Praveen!

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