OpenSearch pricing question


I am bit confused how OpenSearch data nodes are priced. The cost calculator says

Data Instances will be always at 100% utilization dedicated for your Amazon Opensearch Service domain, to stop incurring charges you must Delete the domain.

However, it also allows me to chose the value for %Utilized/month. I see this as a contradiction to one another. Is it charged at 100% irrespective of usage or is based on usage? The cost changes quite drastically based on usage %.

asked a year ago497 views
1 Answer

Opensearch instances are priced per hour and you get billed per hour for the number of instances you are running. If you have 5 * you will be charged 5 * $0.256/hour.

Unfortunately it would appear the pricing calculator will let amend the % Utilization but doing so will give you an inaccurate cost.

answered a year ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

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