RDS native backup to S3 does not change Lifecycle status (remains 0%)


Everything is set for the backup of RDS to S3. But when executed :

exec msdb.dbo.rds_backup_database @source_db_name='altahrirVersion', @s3_arn_to_backup_to= 'arn:aws:s3:::mumbaisqlserverbakup1/back1.bak', @overwrite_S3_backup_file=1;

the % complete remained as 0% till next day

Then I used:

exec msdb.[dbo].[rds_cancel_task] @task_id= 1

the task now shows: CANCEL_REQUESTED and 0%

Now i am stuck. I cannot create a new backup or cancel the standing one!

Please help me Thanks

asked 2 years ago535 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

It worked. I had to rebuild the options group and let it make its own new IAM role

answered 2 years ago
  • This is still valid 2 years later, I had the same issue, I was trying to backup a DB in SQL Server Standard Edition reusing an already created Option Group, I just modified trusted policy for the role to include the RDS instance I was working on.

    What I got was an infinite "CREATED" status for the task, I waited for about 19 hours for the "IN PROGRESS" state 'cause it didn't throw any errors (BIG MISTAKE) it didn't work anyway, so I cancelled the task.

    Rebuilding the Option group with new IAM Role worked for me as well.

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