Amazon Connect - For reports generated from saved templates, columns randomly show up in different order, have a different format, or have a leading space


We have a number of saved report templates and when we look at the generated csv files, there are a few problems.

  1. the columns change order randomly
  2. in the csv some of the column headers (such as "agent idle time") have a leading space
  3. the field "Non-productive time" sometimes shows up as "Nonproductive time"
  • I feel like I had this issue when I was using this feature. However, we've gone to a 3rd party vendor for reporting and never did anything about it.

2 Answers

Follow the steps and let us know.

  1. Column order: The order of the columns in the report may be affected by changes made to the report template. Check to make sure that the report template has not been modified, and that the columns are in the correct order in the template. You can also try deleting and recreating the report template to see if that resolves the issue.
  2. Leading spaces: The leading space in some column headers may be caused by a formatting issue in the report template. Check the formatting of the column header in the template and make sure that there are no extra spaces before or after the text. You can also try renaming the column header in the template to remove any leading spaces.
  3. Different column names: The inconsistency in the field name "Non-productive time" versus "Nonproductive time" may be caused by a mismatch in the naming conventions used in the report template and the system. Check to see if there are any naming inconsistencies in the report template and try to standardize the naming conventions used.
answered a year ago

Spaces in CSV is valid and should not be ignored in either column heading or value

Hyphen should be valid but 3rd party app sometimes has a tough time importing them. If you are seeing differences, try creating a NEW saved template to generate the CSV again. Often enhancements requests is deployed but we do not want to affect existing saved reports so it will only affect new saved reports, but this also means column headings could change (currently not able to choose your own order).

So dont re-save your current saved templates if you have other workload that depends on it, create new ones, make sure it works and then migrate it. Once created, all outputs afterward should be consistent

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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