Are LoRaWAN 1.0.4 devices and Regional Parameters RP002-1.0.2 supported?


I have a Honeywell Versatilis Transmitter end device that has a MAC version of 1.0.4, and regional parameters of RP002-1.0.2. These options are not available in the device profile dashboard. My gateway shows an active connection, so I believe the profile is keeping me from seeing the uplink data. I have confirmed this device and gateway work with another LNS platform. I would appreciate any support with integrating this device into IoTCore.


asked a year ago292 views
1 Answer

Hi. 1.0.4 is not yet fully supported, but in some cases a 1.0.4 device should still work. For example, I have used a 1.0.4/RP2-1.0.1 AU915 Class A device without issue, but it couldn't operate in Class B because 1.0.4 has breaking changes in the beacon format.

Has your device successfully joined, but then the uplinks fail to get through? If so, what do the gateway logs show about the uplinks? Is your device class A? What RF region?

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • The device is Class A, US915.

    My gateway shows it is connected, but my network analyzer shows no messages passing.

    I have a second gateway set up with a local LNS to monitor the LoRaWAN frames. I see the initial join request and then periodic uplink packets. This tells me the device has joined because if not it would continue to send join requests.

    The device details page says no uplink has been received from the device.

  • Can you access the Basic Station logs on the gateway? If so, you should see something like this (if the logging level is set to verbose):

    2023-10-10 23:24:56.035 [S2E:VERB] RX 918.2MHz DR5 SF7/BW125 snr=6.0 rssi=-46 xtime=0x1C0002DFDC2DE4 - updf mhdr=40 DevAddr=00FAD6F7 FCtrl=04 FCnt=1 FOpts=[03000300] 03550CE7..E85B mic=5012237 (33 bytes)

    This is the uplink (and indicated by updf) being received by the gateway:

  • And then immediately following you should see the updf being sent over websockets (WS) to AWS.

    2023-10-10 23:24:56.036 [AIO:XDEB] [4|WS] > {"msgtype":"updf","MHdr":64,"DevAddr":16439031,"FCtrl":4,"FCnt":1,"FOpts":"03000300","FPort":3,"FRMPayload":"550CE77617AB844E096C18025F1DE85B","MIC":5012237,"RefTime":1696982674.900989,"DR":5,"Freq":918200000,"upinfo":{"rctx":0,"xtime":7881311693581796,"gpstime":1381017893022729,"fts":-1,"rssi":-46,"snr":6,"rxtime":1696980296.036147}}

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