Does Lambda@Edge support IPv6 connectivity?


I'm trying to find a workaround to the lack of support for IPv6 Origins in CloudFront, as a way to possibly avoid paying for IPv4 addresses. Can a Lambda@Edge function make HTTP(s) calls to EC2 instances that are using IPv6 addresses exclusively?

asked 9 months ago865 views
1 Answer

A Lambda@Edge function should be able to make HTTP(s) calls to EC2 instances using IPv6 addresses.

  • Ensure the Lambda function is configured to use the latest Node.js runtime version which supports IPv6. Older versions may have issues.
  • When making the HTTP request, specify the IPv6 address as the hostname and set the familyoption to 6 to force IPv6.
 var options = {
   hostname: 'xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx', 
   family: 6,
  • Make sure any security groups or network ACLs allow the relevant IPv6 traffic to reach the EC2 instance.
  • Consider using an egress-only internet gateway to allow outbound IPv6 traffic from the instances without exposing them directly to the internet.
  • Test connectivity from another IPv6-enabled resource first to verify the EC2 instance configuration before testing from Lambda.
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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago

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