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Failed to connect to your instance Error establishing SSH connection to your instance. Try again later.


Hello dears, I am having difficulties to connect my EC2, both via FileZilla as it refuse the key ( i dont understand why), and via AWS console. As I could not access to EC2 I can not access to any logs so I can not provide any further details.

asked a year ago2.3K views
2 Answers


To simplify the resolution of you current issue, I would suggest to start by connecting with EC2 Instance Connect:

This tutorial may be helpful:

If you have problems with Instance Connect, follow this guidance:

When instance Connect works, you can go to next step with remote SSH and Filezilla.



profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  1. check security group for your ec2 instance does not allow incoming ssh traffic.
  2. the key pair that you specified when launching the instance is not the same key pair
  3. the instance public dns name or ip address has changed.
  4. try connection diffferent network.
profile picture
answered a year ago

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