aws- lightsale Plesk_Hosting_Stack_on_Ubuntu


After using this great service since 2020-January, suddenly Plesk warning pops up like.... "Your current free Plesk Web Admin SE license will permanently expire......." Plesk Web Admin SE image comes with the preinstalled Plesk Web Admin SE license. The license is provided for free, but comes with a number of limitations.....You can manage not more than three of each of the following: domains, domain aliases, mailboxes, mail accounts, user accounts, and web users. I have accepted those limitations in period... So I understood "Plesk license on LightSail is free for lift time?" Can anyone explain this?

asked a month ago223 views
1 Answer


Looking at the thread at the URL below, it appears that the "Plesk Web Admin SE" license has been discontinued.
According to this person's answer, it seems that it can be used until September 30, 2024, but it will be discontinued after that.
In other words, I think we need to migrate by September 30, 2024.

Hi, the Plesk Web Admin SE edition is being discontinued. It can no longer be installed on new servers. On existing servers the Web Admin SE edition can be used till Augustus 30st this year when it will be fully discontinued.

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answered a month ago
  • Does it sound a bit mysterious that plesk suddenly won't be there anymore? You write that it will be necessary to "migrate"!!! How does it happen? Who does it? What options are there? Which alternative to plesk? Can AWS staff help? I myself do not know enough to be able to cope with the task!

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