tracing events in event driven architecture


We are thinking of designing commands and events based architecture for our feature. One problem we observe here is that how do we debug or trace "what happen to these commands and events ?"

For example if i send "createUser" command and when the user is created, we will emit "userCreatedEvent". Are there any way to correlate these command and events ?

We want to track all the sequence of events completed or not. It will help us in debugging and identity what successfully executed and what events are not successfully executed.

asked 2 years ago619 views
1 Answer


you can instrument your code via AWS X-Ray to trace your events. You can see X-Ray used in this end-to-end implementation of a airline booking system. The Serverless Observability workshop provides step-by-step instructions on how to do distributed tracing for your event based application.



answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago

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