Migrating existing AWS Organizations accounts to another organization without Credit Card


A ticket was opened to have member accounts in organization A to have their payment method set to Net30 (invoice, without using credit card) so they can be migrated to organization B. Organization A's payer account is already configure to use Net30. The problem is, support is requesting to have accounts in organization A verified (which requires a credit card) before they can proceed and we don't have access to a credit card.

Is there a way to verify accounts in the source Organization without a credit card so they can be migrated to the other one?

asked 3 years ago781 views
1 Answer

Support team should be able to help you with the payment method setup if you update other details on your account such as contact details and verified phone number - you can check more information on this Knowledge Base article: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/organizations-move-accounts/

Unfortunately, currently there's no way to move account to another Organization without updating valid payment information, so this step is required. However, if the support team is not able to help you with this request for any reason, I suggest reaching out to your account manager or sales representative on AWS side to assist you in this process. If you don't have or don't know their contact, you can submit a request via this Contact Us "Sales support" form https://aws.amazon.com/contact-us/

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answered 3 years ago

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