Amazon connect login popup auto close issue while using Identity Center as IDP


Hi, I'm calling InitCCP with loginPopup: true and loginPopupAutoClose: true. So it opens my IDP login page as a pop-up.

IAM Identity Center is used as the IDP for my Connect instance. After authentication, Identity Center redirects me to the applications page (URL: <myDomain>/identity /start), and There I can see the Amazon Connect application. When I open it, it opens in a new window, and I log in as expected.

Issue :  I have three tabs open while logging in.

#tab-1: my Custom CCP

#tab-2: IAM Identity Center applications page

#tab-3: Amazon Connect Workspace

As I have called InitCCP with loginPopupAutoClose: true, tab 2 is closed after login. But when tab 3 is not closed.

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi There,

When your users log in using InitCCP with the loginPopup: true and loginPopupAutoClose: true settings, they expect a seamless experience without having to deal with multiple tabs. However, when your IAM Identity Center redirects them to the applications page after authentication, it currently opens the Amazon Connect Workspace in a new tab, along with your Custom CCP and the IAM Identity Center applications page, resulting in three tabs open during the login process.

To fix this issue, you'll need to adjust how the redirection after authentication is handled. One approach is to ensure that after users authenticate with your Identity Provider (IDP), they are redirected back to your custom CCP within the same tab or window where they initiated the login process.

You can achieve this by modifying the redirection behavior in your application code. Make sure that the redirect URL after successful authentication points back to your custom CCP URL. This way, users will remain within the same tab throughout the authentication process, maintaining a smoother experience without unnecessary tabs cluttering their interface.

Additionally, if you're using JavaScript to manage the login process, you can listen for the redirect event after authentication and programmatically handle the redirection within the same tab or window where your custom CCP is open. This will allow you to dynamically control the login flow and close any unnecessary tabs or windows that may have opened during the process.


answered 5 months ago

Tab3 Amazon Connect Workspace will not close since you opened that manually and not part of the login process. If you want to get some of the Workspace features as part of your custom CCP, you should add them to your custom CCP instead of using Workspace

refer to this as an example:

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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