Try to request an SSL Certificate for a domain name i bought with Route 53 never validates


Try to request an SSL Certificate for a domain name i bought with Route 53 but ACM never validates via DNS validation but I look in Route 53 and it shows hosted zone with correct url ???.com

What am i missing?

  • Please post your domain name... That way we can do some diagnosis for you.

asked a year ago431 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hey, Please check this document to Troubleshoot DNS validation problems-

answered a year ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago

AWS Certificate Manager needs to prove you own the domain that the certifcate is being issued for, and so it will request the creation of a CNAME record name that's a random string like _a79865eb4cd1a6ab990a45779b4e0b96.[your_domain].com. with a record value of

If Route 53 is your registrar then this can all be done automatically, you need to select the certificate in AWS Console ( from what you say above it should have a status of Pending validation) and click on Create records in Route 53.

Now is this record there when you look at the hosted zone in Route 53, and is your certificate now validated?

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answered a year ago

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