Route53 Alias not resolving to cloud front distribution


Hi In Route 53 I tried to link domain to cloudfront distribution, but it doesn't show my distribution , it says that it can only show distributions from us-east-1: An alias to a CloudFront distribution and another record in the same hosted zone are global and available only in US East (N. Virginia).

but cloudfront distribution doesn't have a region, it is global. I have no way to choose route 53 to be on on any other region like us-east-2.

My default region is us-east-2.

Also when in cloudfront when I try to add CNAME I get that I can only add certificate from us-east-1: Associate a certificate from AWS Certificate Manager. The certificate must be in the US East (N. Virginia) Region (us-east-1).

but why only us-east-1?

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Can someone please help? Thank you

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asked 2 years ago405 views
2 Answers

Cloud front is a global CDN but it is managed from the global region of us-east-1.

In order to have a certificate assigned to cloudfront, then you will need to create one in acm also in the same region us-east-1

You will only be able to select cloudfront Diageo’s in us-east-1

The same applies to managing waf for cf. it’s in the global region.

It’s similar for IAM. Its global region is the same.

If this helps please be sure to accept the answer to help others and me.

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answered 2 years ago

Yes that is because CloudFront considers us-east-1 as global region. The ACM certificates must be created/imported from here and the same is distributed across all other AWS geographic regions.

answered 2 years ago

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