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questions for F1 during STA



I have a few of questions during checking STA for implementing FPGA design for F1 instance.

During STA, there are some violation points that I cannot understand. I uploaded a image to give you an example start-end points.

this example points violate hold timing.

the start point of FF updates data at rising of clock DRCK ( @ 3.125Mhz),

and the destination point updates data at rising of clock TCK. (@ 3.125Mhz).

I think if those two FF has synchronous relationship, the clock relationship should be defined as same clock groups.

But my timing reports indicate that those two clock groups are defined as inter-clock relationship. (I think this causes high hold slack during implementation)

Could you please explain me for this case? (which means can I set those clocks as same clock groups by myself)



Timg report

asked 2 years ago365 views
4 Answers
Accepted Answer


Thank you for reaching out on this topic. We have reviewed the timing path and confirm the following:

• The timing path shown between Source and Destination is a real path and should not be treated as a CDC false_path or multi_cycle_path.

• The destination clock is created by the debug_bridge_0 IP’s constraints and needs to be timed with the source clock as reported in the timing path. Since the clock divider circuit is being generated through logic, a create_generated_clock constraint is being made in the IP.

• The hold violation is fixed by the tool during routing but not during placement. It is possible that the vivado tool compromises on TNS in order to fix the hold violations. Therefore, we strongly recommend doing hold timing analysis based on a routed DCP.

• If the design fails to close timing (setup or hold) in post route, we recommend running placement/route using multiple directives and/or reduce design congestion. Also, phys_opt_design has switches to assist with hold timing when necessary.

Please reach out to us if you have any additional questions.



answered 2 years ago

Hello, thank you for reaching us on this topic. Would you be able to share the full timing report for the violating path?

Thanks! Chakra

answered 2 years ago

Hello Steven,

Thank you for sharing timing report, as we only need the timing path between the following Source/Destination:

Slack (VIOLATED) :        -0.939ns  (arrival time - required time)
  Source:                 dbg_hub/inst/BSCANID.u_xsdbm_id/SWITCH_EXT_BSCAN.bscan_switch/state_reg[2]/C
                            (rising edge-triggered cell FDRE clocked by drck  {rise@0.000ns fall@16.000ns period=32.000ns})
  Destination:            WRAPPER_INST/CL/debug_bridge_0/inst/xsdbm/inst/BSCANID.u_xsdbm_id/EXT_BSCAN.id_state_reg[1]/D
                            (rising edge-triggered cell FDRE clocked by tck  {rise@0.000ns fall@16.000ns period=32.000ns})

One more question -- could you also confirm if you are using AWS provided cl_debug_bridge.xci for the WRAPPER_INST/CL/debug_bridge_0/ instantiation, and followed guidelines described in the following link?

We will continue investigating this issue on our end and keep you posted.



answered 2 years ago
  • Hello Chakra. I didn't instiantiate the modules using xci, but using aws's vitis platform image, "xilinx_aws-vu9p-f1_shell-v04261818_201920_2". I always create my xclbin with vitis project, and in every synth and implementation xilinx_aws-vu9p-f1_shell-v04261818_201920_2 is used. This path is always resolved in post route phase -- hold fix. But during hold fix, Total negative slack is massively increased.

    As my analysis for the path, each PLL (or MMCM) provides clock sources to each FF cell, but one passes through a clock gate cell, I thought your design team didn't add clock constraints because the clock frequencies of 2 PLL are same ( timing could be met by controlling phase).

    If my assumption is true, we need to consider sharing those clock sources with one PLL or clock domain crossing. As you know, CDC can be one of issues depite of same clock frequencies. Thank you. Steven.


Hello Chakra. Thank you for your deep analysis for shown violation path and your kind response for my question. I have one more question.

Since the clock divider circuit is being generated through logic, a create_generated_clock constraint is being made in the IP.

I agreed with your opinion and the violation path is always resolved by a tool after post route step. I would like to ask you if each output of each FF meets drived by each clock(free running clock and divided clock) each other, how should we consider the clock relationship between those clocks. Because I thought the relationship between a clock (create_clock) and another clock(create_generated_clock) should be synchronous. -->Do we need to define it as sync? (set_clock_groups -async -clock {drck tcl} ... )

Thank you steven

answered 2 years ago

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