can't edit - The If-Match version is missing or not valid for the resource.


I can't edit or disable at least two of my distributions using the new console. I always get the error:
The If-Match version is missing or not valid for the resource.

If I switch back to the old console it works.

asked 4 years ago1.3K views
4 Answers

Some web browser extensions (add-ons), for example ClearURLs, remove ETag headers, which causes updates to fail. To update your distribution, disable this browser extension or turn off ETag filtering.

answered 3 years ago

Thanks, it was ClearURLs causing this.

answered 3 years ago

me too.

you can try "Private browsing" mode

answered 3 years ago

I could not create a second CloudFront origin through the management console until I turned ClearURLs off.

answered 2 years ago

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