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Thanks for reaching out and asking your question. As referenced in https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/send-email-authentication-dkim.html, It’s generally never recommended to disable your DKIM signing as it risks tarnishing your sender reputation, and it increases the risk of having your sent mail go to junk or spam folders or having your domain spoofed. However, the capability exists to override the domain inherited DKIM signing properties on an email address identity for any particular use case or outlying business decision that you might have to either permanently or temporarily disable DKIM signing, or to re-enable it at a later time. See Overriding inherited DKIM signing on an email address identity.
Also refer to this knowledge center , https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/ses-email-flagged-as-spam and cross check
Dear thank you for your response,
i want to remove The extra DKIM signature, which contains d=amazonses.com not my DKIM signature.
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