How to stream Adobe XD with appstream 2.0


As mentioned in this article(,Adobe XD cannot be steamed by appstream,3 years past, is than any way to stream Adobe XD with appstream?

asked a month ago70 views
1 Answer

Hello! I am not familiar specifically with Adobe XD; however, the Deploying Adobe XD for Enterprise: Issues and Limitations article you linked mentions Adobe XD is possibly a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) application. Additionally, the Adobe XD System Requirements mentions that the minimum requirement is Windows 10.

While I do not see anything specifically mentioning Amazon AppStream 2.0, it's important to note that AppStream uses Windows Server, not Windows 10 Desktop. This is an important distinction, as the underlying operating system (OS) used by AppStream is server-based. This means it does not include the Windows Store (typically used for deploying UWP apps). Further, if the application/installer specifically checks for the desktop version of Windows, it will likely fail as AppStream uses a server-based version of Windows.

It may be worth checking the Running Adobe Creative Cloud on Amazon AppStream 2.0 Deployment Guide to verify whether or not installation works.

If you find that the limiting factor is AppStream's use of a server-based OS, you might consider Amazon WorkSpaces. While WorkSpaces also uses Windows Server as its base, you can use your own Windows 10 or Windows 11 desktop licenses with WorkSpaces Personal through a bring-your-own-license (BYOL) agreement if they meet Microsoft's licensing requirements. For more information, see the Windows Desktop section of the Microsoft on AWS FAQ and the Requirements section of the Amazon WorkSpaces BYOL documentation.

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago

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