Missing Stream ID Option from MediaConnect SRT Source


We're trying to setup an SRT workflow into MediaConnect, but there's no Stream ID option... The documentation says, "For Stream ID (optional), enter an identifier for the stream. This identifier can be used to communicate information about the stream." ...but the field does not exist. There is one on the configuration from MediaConnect to MediaLive as a input transport... but not in MediaConnect. We'd really like to utilize a single port with Stream IDs... Has anybody gotten this to work?

asked 7 months ago655 views
2 Answers

Hi, BigZ-OMG

I'm not seeing a CallerID option in the API documentation for Elemental MediaConnect flows. The closest thing I see is StreamID and port https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconnect/latest/api/v1-flows.html

If this helps confirm what you're seeing, please choose this as the Accepted Answer so others on re:Post may benefit - Thank you!

profile pictureAWS
answered 7 months ago

AWS MediaConnect is designed to receive a single MPEG Transport Stream (TS) protected by protocols such as SRT, Zixi and RTP. It can disseminate the TS to several destinations, both within AWS Cloud and to on-premise locations. A single input to multiple outputs. A MediaConnect Flow will use one IP address and a specific Port number

The concept of selecting based on a Caller ID or Stream ID implies multiple sources into a MediaConnect Flow. MediaConnect does not have the ability to choose between different sources. There is a Failover mechanism, which can switch between two identical, redundant inputs. That does not allow different source content to be selected.

answered 7 months ago

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