Not able to add custom domain


Enter image description here Adding custom domain getting stuck at CNAME verification. CNAME is already added automatically in Route53 and DNS file. But not going forward.

1 Answer

I think the problem might be that Route53 is not authoritative for your domain name. You need to add this CNAME record to the authoritative name servers so that the service can validate that you do in fact own the domain.

DNS currently reports the name servers for your domain as follows: nameserver = nameserver =

answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago
  • The respective CNAME is added to my domain provider site as well i.e fastcomet. It's added automatically. Even then the process is getting stuck

  • The delegation for your domain appears to be to Alibaba Cloud - they own the name servers I mentioned above. You need to either change the delegation to somewhere else (if that's your intention), or make the modification on the name servers in my previous comment.

    When I query for your CNAME record, DNS returns an error:

    ** server can't find NXDOMAIN

    I'm not sure how the record could possibly get added to an external DNS provider automatically - I think you will need to manually do this.

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