I cannot create workspace Power with Windows 10 and Office 2019 Pro Plus (Server 2022 based)


I want to use a cloud computer so I am trying to use this bundle "Power with Windows 10 and Office 2019 Pro Plus (Server 2022 based)", but when I tried to create a workspace I faced this message "You have exceeded the limit of WorkSpaces you can have in this account."

I have no idea about it. Could you please give me some advices

asked 10 months ago318 views
1 Answer

Here are a few things to check that could be causing the error when trying to create a new WorkSpace with the Windows 10 and Office 2019 bundle:

  • Check your WorkSpaces service limits for the region you are launching in. There are default limits per account on the total number of WorkSpaces you can run. You may need to request a limit increase.

  • Make sure you don't have any terminated or unavailable WorkSpaces still counting against your limit. You may need to fully delete old WorkSpaces.

  • Try launching the WorkSpace in a different availability zone or region if you are hitting a per-AZ limit.

  • Double check the total number of running and pending WorkSpaces on the dashboard. Filter by bundle type if needed to isolate.

  • Try creating the WorkSpace from a different master image if the default one you are using has reached its own launch limits.

  • Verify your account doesn't have any restrictions on WorkSpaces capabilities in general due to billing or service limits.

If none of those issues seem to be the cause, I would suggest contacting AWS support. They can validate if there are any account-specific limits or quotas impacting your ability to create additional WorkSpaces with that bundle.

answered 10 months ago

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