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Purchase SES dedicate IP's



We use AWS SES with the following limits:

Daily sending quota 3,000,000 emails per 24-hour period Maximum send rate 300 emails per second

We plan to purchase dedicate IP's (for example 2 dedicate IP's), but it will limit our send rate to 80 emails per second (each dedicate IP can send up to 40 emails per second).

Our question is what will happen if we'll exceed the 80 emails/second? (for example, on outage of specific components we may have a spike in email sending for few mins..)

will the emails go to AWS queue and sent in few small delay (no need for real time email)? or will these emails be rejected (and we have to implement email send rate limits in our software)?

Thank you, Tal.

asked a year ago560 views
1 Answer

If you exceed the maximum sending rate of 40 emails per second for each dedicated IP, AWS SES will start throttling the rest of your emails.

In this scenario, the emails failed due to the sending rate limit won't be queued in Amazon SES. Because the throttling occurs before completing the SMTP handshake, so the sending server or application must handle the situation appropriately. To ensure successful delivery, either the sending server or application needs to retry the emails later or implement rate limits in your sending server or application as you mentioned.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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