Amazon SES emails slow to receive


There are some strange delays on emails being delivered as it's taking hours to deliver emails sent.

asked 4 months ago432 views
2 Answers

Hello, I would suggest you do the below checks

Log in to the Amazon SES Console and review your sending limits and quotas.

Check your email statistics for high bounce or complaint rates.

Verify your domain settings (SPF, DKIM, DMARC) in the SES console.

Review your email content for potential spam triggers and ensure your recipient list is clean.

Check the AWS Service Health Dashboard for any SES-related issues.

Set up SNS notifications to monitor bounces, complaints, and delivery statuses.

Test email sending with different content and recipients to identify any patterns.

could you please check this :-

Contact AWS Support if the issue persists after performing the above steps.

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answered 4 months ago

You don't tell us if the delays are with all e-mail destinations or only a sub-set. We have become used to SMTP mail delivering immediately, so much so that we forget the protocol is actually store-and-forward (a message is received by a given MTA, and then re-queued for delivery by that MTA).

A transient network or other error at that point, will typically cause the message to be re-queued for later delivery by the MTA.

Verify if you are seeing this only for some destinations.

answered 4 months ago

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