Unable to open WorkDoc Files in Excel



We are using Amazon Workdocs from the web and seem to be having an issue opening the files in excel 2021 app that is installed locally. I can open excel files from other sites like sharepoint, but just doesnt work with Workdocs Web. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. I dont even know where to begin troublshooting.

asked 10 months ago269 views
1 Answer

A bit tricky given the context, but you can try to look at this page fir several troubleshoot situations: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/workspaces/latest/userguide/client_troubleshooting.html

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answered 10 months ago
  • Sorry, I am still familarizing myself with Workdocs. We log in via Chrome to WorkDocs drive. When we go to edit an excel file in the app, it should then launch excel from the browser. but when we click open nothing happens.

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