AWS GLUE account id - (14533334444 example id )access denied


Hello AWS Support and Forum,

basic free tier account for some unknown reason. I've tried different regions and I still get the same 'AccessDeniedException: Account id... is denied access.' error! for only AWS GLUE even i tried in other thing like EC2,RDS,S3 buckets its working fine

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asked 6 months ago231 views
2 Answers

It seems you are facing access denied issues specifically for AWS Glue, even though other AWS services like EC2 and RDS are working fine in the same account. Please check the following:

  • Verify the IAM policies attached to the IAM user or role used for AWS Glue have the necessary permissions. Common permissions needed are glue:CreateDatabase , glue:CreateTable etc.

  • Check that the IAM user or role can access the S3 buckets and databases used by AWS Glue jobs and crawlers. The bucket and database policies should allow the required access.

  • Ensure the IAM role passed to AWS Glue jobs has the necessary permissions. The error indicates the iam:PassRole permission may be missing.

  • As a test, try creating a new IAM user with administrator permissions and see if AWS Glue works with that user. This will help narrow down if it is an issue specific to the IAM policies.

  • Review the AWS Glue and CloudTrail logs for any additional errors or denial reasons.

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answered 6 months ago


Above issue usually occurs when something is blocked at account level. I would strongly recommend to reach out to AWS support team to verify the account related issues. This issue is not related to IAM permission related.

answered 6 months ago

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