What will happen to my default SSO URL?


I'd like to customize my default "d-########.awsapps.com/start#/" SSO URL, but I'm worried it could affect production.

What will happen to this default URL? Would it still be available for my "aws configure sso" users, or will they need to update their profile to use the new one?

If the old one stays, does anyone have docs around it? I searched for days now for something.


1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi labranchekvn,

You are able to customize your SSO URL without affecting the default URL provided. Access via the default URL will remain as long as the Identity Store exists allowing users time to migrate to the custom URL if so desired.

I see our documentation is not clear and I will put in a request that it be updated.

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

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