aws application migration service


I am tring to migrate an ec2 from ohio to california Problem: migrated instance is configures in source(same) region
commands used: $ wget -O ./ $ sudo python3 --region us-east-2 --aws-access-key-id AKI-------------------CGOK --aws-secret-access-key 0Q------p/whCtkoCr8JAD --no-prompt output: $ All volumes for replication were successfully identified. $Downloading the AWS Replication Agent onto the source server... Finished. $Installing the AWS Replication Agent onto the source server... Finished. $Syncing the source server with the Application Migration Service Console... Finished.

but created instance does not connect to ssh

1 Answer

Hi there!

On the newly created instance, I would check two things, first, make sure the Network ACL allows in/out TCP traffic on port 22, second, the instance security group also allows TCP traffic on port 22 (only inbound needed). My guess is that the new instance was created with a default security group that doesn't allow SSH.

I hope this helps.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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