API Gateway Disconnect Client from Server


Hello, I'm using the new websocket api and I want to manually disconnect a client from the server. According to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/apigateway-how-to-call-websocket-api-connections.html you can disconnect a client by using the @connections route. I don't see any example of how to do that though. Is that undocumented? Thanks!

Your backend service can use the following WebSocket connection HTTP requests to send a callback message to a connected client, get connection information, or disconnect the client.
asked 6 years ago1098 views
1 Answer

The documentation online doesn't have it yet, however I just skimmed through an AWS video on websockets and I found the answer! You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/3SCdzzD0PdQ?t=718 but I'll outline it below:


Operation   Action
POST        Sends a message 
GET         Gets the latest connection status
DELETE      Disconnects the connection
answered 6 years ago

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