Error using Aurora Postgres version 11.8 as DMS source endpoint


We had a DMS source endpoint that was connecting to an Aurora Postgres 10.7 database and it was working fine. We upgraded the database to Aurora Postgres 11.8 and now the endpoint connection test is failing. A DMS target to the same database is working fine, so it appears the replication instance is setup correctly. The error message is:

Test Endpoint failed: Application-Status: 1020912, Application-Message: Failure in resolving database version. ODBC general error., Application-Detailed-Message: Failed retrieve database backend version RetCode: SQL_ERROR SqlState: XX000 NativeError: 1 Message: ERROR: rds_activity_stream stack item 9 not found on top - cannot pop; Error while executing the query Failed (retcode -1) to execute statement

Is Aurora Postgres 11.8 supported as a source by DMS?

Edited by: mnpete on Nov 19, 2020 7:16 AM

asked 4 years ago555 views
1 Answer

I found the problem. It appears that DMS source endpoints don't work when the activity stream is enabled. After disabling the activity stream I was able to successfully test the source endpoint.

answered 4 years ago

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