AWS Activate Credit with unused / expired credits


We applied for AWS Activate founder and then also got a $5k promotional credit through one of the AWS activate providers (portfolio tier). We used up the $1000 founders credits before they expired, but for the $5k , we couldn't use it all up and they expired. We are working with another AWS activate provider with a $5k credit. My question is, can we apply with this provider and get this credit?

The FAQs say you can apply for multiple credits with different providers provided "each application is for a greater amount of AWS Activate credits than your previous approved application, and you haven’t received the maximum lifetime value of $100,000". Would we be able to apply for the $5k credit with another provider considering that we didn't use the previous $5k completely?

asked a year ago502 views
1 Answer

Hi there,

This is a great question for our Activate team. You can reach out to them via this contact form;

They will be able to review both of your applications and provide clarification on this issue.

- Randi S.

answered a year ago

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