How to export Amazon Monitron data to Grafana Dashboard?


Hi, I'm working on a test project involving Amazon Monitron Starter Kit and was wondering if there was a straight forward way to export data (measurements for vibration and temperature) collected and displayed on Amazon Monitron Dashboard out to Grafana?

I've tried using the live data export stream but didn't get too far. I also couldn't find an option within Amazon Managed Grafana to add Monitron as a direct Data Source. Any guidance on this would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer


There are a couple of different ways that you can interact with your Amazon Monitron data outside of the dashboard. If you are looking for occasional or a one-time export, you can manually export directly to S3 ( If you are looking for ongoing access to your data in an Amazon Managed Grafana, you can configure Amazon Monitron to automatically add your data to a Kinesis stream which can then deliver the data to a number of locations, including S3, CloudWatch, and Lambda functions ( If you deliver the data to CloudWatch, you can use the dashboard and monitoring provided there or, if the ultimate destination needs to be Managed Grafana, both the CloudWatch and CloudWatch Logs APIs can be added as a source for Managed Grafana. The admin documentation has a really helpful breakdown of how you can access your Amazon Monitron data (

I hope this was helpful!

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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