Ask how to set Wordpress Statistics, Distribution To Domain Cloudflare


Hello All Permissions I ask I created a lightsail wordpress account and I have StaticIp and Distribution settings. How is the configuration to my cloudflare domain.

If you know, please share tips and tricks for connecting cloudflare domains.

Thank You Taufiq Setiawan

2 Answers


You can follow the below doc which walks through the certificate process for Lightsail distributions.

Once you follow the docs listed in the above link to create, validate, and attach the certificate, you can create a CNAME record in Cloudflare that points to your distribution or you can migrate your domain management to Lightsail with the below doc and create a domain assignment to the distribution on the Lightsail console.

answered a year ago
  • I have followed the tutorial you provided but I experience 403 errors when going to my domain which is on cloudflare.

    I have tried repeatedly but the result remains the same Error 403.

    Thank you

  • Hi Taufiq, you may need to update your Wordpress settings if you're seeing a 403, since that indicates a permissions issue.

    Are you seeing a 403 when visiting the website via the default distribution domain?


Hello I have followed the tutorial you provided but I experience 403 errors when going to my domain which is on cloudflare. I have tried repeatedly but the result remains the same Error 403. Enter image description here

Thank you

answered a year ago

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