RDS next window maintenance defer upgrade doesnt work


my rds have Pending maintenance

  • db-upgrade
  • next-maintenance

and i want to defer this Pending maintenance. so i use action > defer upgrade for this instance. but this doesn't work..

and api response was.

  • An immediate opt-in has already been requested for action db-upgrade for arn, this cannot be undone.
                    "Action": "db-upgrade",
                    "ForcedApplyDate": "2024-08-12T01:57:32.560000+00:00",
                    "OptInStatus": "next-maintenance",
                    "CurrentApplyDate": "2024-08-12T22:00:00+00:00",
                    "Description": "Required upgrade to mysql 8.0.35"

i clicked apply at next-maintenance in console.

can i delay or remove this Pending maintenance??

asked a month ago287 views
1 Answer

It seems you've already opted-in for the "db-upgrade" maintenance action, scheduled for the next maintenance window. Unfortunately, you cannot undo or defer this immediate opt-in.

Here are a few options to potentially delay or remove the pending maintenance (i recommend the first option):

  1. Contact AWS Support: Work with Support to see if they can make an exception or provide options to delay the maintenance.

  2. Create a new DB instance: Consider creating a new RDS instance with the desired config and migrate your data, avoiding the pending maintenance.

  3. Modify the maintenance window: Try to change the maintenance window to a more convenient time, though this may not affect the upgrade date.

  4. Upgrade manually: If comfortable, you could manually upgrade the database engine before the scheduled maintenance.

Unfortunately, once an immediate opt-in is requested, there are limited options to defer or remove the pending maintenance. Your best approach may be to work with AWS Support for alternative solutions.

answered a month ago

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