[Network Analyzer] "Trace messaging has been deactivated" error message displayed at every new uplink


Hello everyone, since November we have been experiencing some issues on the Network Analyzer.

The following is the scenario that occurs: after selecting one of the available network analyzer configurations (each of them includes gateway, LoRaWAN devices, logging level set on “Info”), we activate the traces and the connection is successfully established. However, at the exact moment when it logs an uplink from one of the devices, the network analyzer disconnects displaying the following error screen:


At the same time we have monitored the LoRaWAN upstream traffic on the gateway (which works as packet forwarder to AWS server) noting that everything works fine. Of course, the gateway is properly registered and connected to AWS server.

  • AWS eu-west-1 (Ireland)
  • EU868
  • Class A

Network analyzer configuration:

  • 19 LoRaWAN devices
  • 1 Gateway
  • Hi. I just tried, and I'm not having any trouble to use Network Analyzer to capture uplinks. Could you please edit your question to add information such as AWS region, RF Region, LoRaWAN Class (is it just A?), and the number of devices and gateways in the network analyzer resources configuration you're selecting?

  • Hello Greg:

    • AWS eu-west-1 (Ireland)
    • EU868
    • Class A
    • 19 LoRaWAN devices
    • 1 Gateway

    It also occurs if I configure just a Gateway and a single LoRaWAN device.

  • Thanks! And sorry, one extra question: what browser are you using, and have you tried multiple browsers?

  • Microsoft Edge; no, i have not

asked a year ago231 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi. This issue should now be fixed. Please let us know if you still have an issue.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • I can confirm that right now I don't have any issue. Thank you.

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