URGENT ### HELP Need for name correction



I have AWS certification exam in 2 days, i need to get the name corrected urgently.

Name in profile is not matching with my Govt id proof needs to corrected as the middle name is not showing in the profile. Candidate ID: AWS02403691 Registration ID: 438662841

asked 2 years ago245 views
1 Answer

Hi, I suggest you contact the organization that will be responsible for validating your ID. For example, I did my certificate testing through PearsonVue, so I'd reach out to them in that case.

answered 2 years ago
  • thanks for the response. yes I had case opened with PearsonVue but support person asked me to contact AWS support team and AWS support to told to contact Training and Certification team so I had filled the required form and waiting for someone to contact me.

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