Pinpoint SMS changes the content of message sent


We are currently using Pinpoint SMS to send a transaction message to our client as a form of receipt. We are experiencing an issue where the content of the message is mixed with the previous records. for example, account A had a transaction with us on May 2, then by June they had another transaction with us. our format includes the date and time of the transaction in the message body, so for this example, the date and time of the transaction should be dated for the month of June, but for some reason, the SMS that the account holder received is dated for the month of May. there are also instances that there are missing texts or words in the message itself. are the any known bugs regarding this issue? where should we be looking? Thank you in advance.

asked a year ago313 views
1 Answer

You can debug this information in cloud trail to see what is sent to customer. This looks like glitch in the code and not in pinpoint. Please check cloudtrail for this

answered a year ago

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