How can I reduce costs for S3 "EUC1-Requests-Tier2" requests?



I've noticed a significant change in S3 expenses, in cost explorer, specifically costs associated with EUC1-Requests-Tier2. So, I'm curious if there are effective methods to further reduce expenses on Amazon S3 for EUC1-Requests-Tier2.

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Regards, RK

asked 10 months ago1012 views
1 Answer


please see Understanding your AWS billing and usage reports for Amazon S3 and Amazon S3 pricing

Usage TypeDescription
region-Requests-Tier1The number of PUT, COPY, or POST requests for STANDARD, RRS, and tags, plus LIST requests for all buckets and objects
region-Requests-Tier2The number of GET and all other non-Tier1 requests

for region-Requests-Tier1

  1. you can reduce costs by reducing the number of file writes, such as merging multiple small files into one large file, and then writing to S3

for region-Requests-Tier2

  1. you can reduce costs by reducing the number of file read, such as merging multiple small files into one large file and then read from S3, reading content of the same size in this way will significantly reduce the number of reads.
  2. Try to use local cache for reading the same object as much as possible,for example Mountpoint for Amazon S3 optimizes for repeated data access
profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 10 months ago

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