I can't delete SG & NetworkInterface.


I can't delete SG & NetworkInterface. Also, I obviously don't have a lambda function, but I get an error saying it exists, and I can't delete it.

I made EKS. but it is deleted.

[konan@cotrol FindEniMappings]$ ./findEniAssociations --eni eni-08349f2f86e5ddfff --region ap-northeast-1 This script is for determining why an ENI that is managed by AWS Lambda has not been deleted.

Found eni-08349f2f86e5ddfff with "subnet-0a5e3902f1c37da53" using Security Groups "sg-08dd22fc223b9da3e" Searching for Lambda function versions using "subnet-0a5e3902f1c37da53" and Security Groups "sg-08dd22fc223b9da3e"...

No Lambda functions or versions found that were using the same subnet as this ENI. If this ENI is not deleted automatically in the next 24 hours then it may be 'stuck'. If the ENI will not allow you to delete it manually after 24 hours then please contact AWS support and send them the output of this script. [konan@cotrol FindEniMappings]$ ./findEniAssociations --eni eni-02cd0d3ece8b7ed1b --region ap-northeast-1 This script is for determining why an ENI that is managed by AWS Lambda has not been deleted.

Found eni-02cd0d3ece8b7ed1b with "subnet-028a27ef51bd2f8c4" using Security Groups "sg-08dd22fc223b9da3e" Searching for Lambda function versions using "subnet-028a27ef51bd2f8c4" and Security Groups "sg-08dd22fc223b9da3e"...

No Lambda functions or versions found that were using the same subnet as this ENI. If this ENI is not deleted automatically in the next 24 hours then it may be 'stuck'. If the ENI will not allow you to delete it manually after 24 hours then please contact AWS support and send them the output of this script.

1 Answer


As the message says, if it doesn't disappear after 24 hours, please open a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing".
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

You may also be able to check the associated AWS resources by checking the "Description" of the ENI.
Since EKS was used, I think it is possible that it is something related to EKS, such as ALB or NAT Gateway.

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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago

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