MAIL FROM record is not aligned.


I've got SES setup and running correctly as far as I can tell, however, in Recommendations for my domain I get the following error: MAIL FROM record is not aligned.

I've added the TXT entry "v=DMARC1;p=quarantine;" to DNS but it still doesn't fix the error.

Emails are still sending fine but I'd like to make sure this is set up correctly as well.

Any ideas?

UPDATE: I tried adding a custom MAIL FROM domain and the associated DNS for that hoping it would fix the issue, but the error now says DMARC configuration was not found.

asked a month ago287 views
3 Answers


I found these links which may be useful to you:

And there are related descriptions in other answers:

To solve the problem, change your SPF and DKIM alignment in the DMARC record from strict to relaxed. To do this, change adkim=s and aspf=s from s (strict) to r (relaxed); adkim=r and aspf=r.

The domain in the From address of the email header must align with the MAIL FROM domain that the sending mail server specifies to the receiving mail server. If the domain's DMARC policy for SPF specifies strict alignment, the From and MAIL FROM domains must match exactly. If the domain's DMARC policy for SPF specifies relaxed alignment, the MAIL FROM domain can be a subdomain of the domain in the From header.

answered a month ago

Please open a support case. Simply configuring a custom MAIL FROM domain, and ensuring that the DMARC policy does not have "aspf=s", is enough to resolve "MAIL FROM record is not aligned". Something else must have been changed to cause the new error.

answered a month ago

Great thanks for that, seems to be working now cheers!

answered a month ago

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