AD Connector inoperable state - Unable to delete


Hello, I have been experimenting with Workspaces and created an AD connector and an EC2 instance as a Domain controller. The EC2 instance got deleted by mistake and this moved the AD connector to the "Inoperable" state. I cannot delete the AD connector now and when I try, it gives the message "On-premises issue(s) detected by instance Unable to reach DNS port (TCP 53) of on-premises server On-premises issue(s) detected by instance Unable to reach DNS port (TCP 53) of on-premises server How can I delete this AD connector? This was all created via terraform and I am now stuck. Please advise.

1 Answer

It sounds like Workspaces is still registered with your AD Connector. Please open an AWS support case for this. You cannot fix it on your own.

answered 3 years ago
  • I do have a basic AWS plan and when I try to open a technical support case, it doesn't let me and asks me to upgrade. Is there any other option to open the support or case or get technical help for my situation?

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