Exporting Model from Sagemaker Canvas to Sagemaker studio


I tried to export a model trained in Canvas into Studio. The export is only allowed through a sagemaker studio link. However, when I listed available models through the CLI in Studio, I couldn't see the model imported from Canvas? Is this the intended behavior? Also, is there any other way to export a model from Canvas to Studio other than the URL?


1 Answer

It is possible that the model export from SageMaker Canvas to SageMaker Studio is not showing up in the Studio because the model has not been registered in the Studio. When you export a model from Canvas to Studio, it creates a copy of the model in the specified Git repository. This copy of the model is not automatically registered in the Studio, so you will need to register it manually.

To register the model in SageMaker Studio, follow these steps:

  1. Open SageMaker Studio and go to the "Models" tab.
  2. Click on the "Create model" button and select "Import model" from the dropdown menu.
  3. In the "Import model" window, provide a name for the model and select the Git repository where the exported model is stored.
  4. Click "Create model" to register the model in the Studio.

Once the model is registered, you should be able to see it in the "Models" tab in the Studio.

As far as I know, there is no other way to export a model from SageMaker Canvas to SageMaker Studio other than using the "Export to Studio" button in Canvas. This button allows you to specify the Git repository where the model will be exported, and it automatically starts the export process. You can then register the model in the Studio by following the steps above.

answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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