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What AWS services do I need to substitute my current TV content distribution situation

  • Recently my 24/7 tv station developed an App and we are seen on Amazon Fire tvs and Fire Sticks.
  • We now send our encoded content to a distribution service which generates a HLS URL which is used by other of or our cell phone apps and even by our Amazon App.
  • We want to consider AWS but after much reading I am not sure what AWS I need ,seems its Elemental Media Live plus Amazon Cloud Front but not sure.

Please guide me on what I need and the page on where to price it.
Thank you

2 Answers

To enhance your TV content distribution using AWS, you’ll want to explore the following services:

  • Elemental MediaLive allows you to encode and package live video content for delivery to various platforms. It’s ideal for creating adaptive bitrate streams (like HLS) that can be consumed by Amazon Fire TVs, Fire Sticks, and other devices. You can set up channels, ingest your content, and create output streams with different bitrates and resolutions1.
  • Use CloudFront as your content delivery network (CDN). It securely delivers your video streams to viewers globally, reducing latency and improving performance. CloudFront integrates seamlessly with Elemental MediaLive and supports HLS streaming. You can configure it to cache your HLS content and distribute it efficiently to end-users1.

Look at this doc about AWS Media:

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answered 5 months ago
  • Thanks for your response. I looked at the link and is very complete. How can I get more information on costs for CloudFront ? If I have services that will be connected 24/7 like my Amazon TV App but other viewers will only access my content from cell phones or other apps, how can I determine what my costs could be to distribute my content with AWS Thanks


To summarize:
AWS MediaLive for encoding, captioning, graphics overlays, and ad marker insertion. VOD assets can live in AWS S3 buckets or at external URIs.

AWS MediaPackage for re-packaging into DASH, CMAF or MSS; and for encryption/DRM. MediaPackage can function as an origin for your CDNs.

AWS MediaTailor for optional ad insertion and individual session manifest customization.

AWS CloudFront CDN can optionally provide caching and player authorization for the content.

answered 3 months ago

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