User doesn't appear in IAM users tab


Dear all,

I have a question regarding the Getting Started with Amazon Textract guide.

I have created a user, and gave it administrative acces in the IAM identity center

To finish the set up for the AWS CLI and the AWS SDKs, i need to create an acces key for that user.

However to achieve this i need to locate this user on the AWS management console.

The problem is that this user doesn't pop up here.

How do i fix this? or is there any other way to create an acces key for my user?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,


1 Answer


IAM Identity Center and IAM users are managed separately.
We assume that the screen you are probably looking at is the IAM user's screen.
IAM users cannot be confirmed by creating users in the IAM identity center.

To create a persistent access key, you must create an IAM user by following the steps in the following document.

The documented procedure is to create an IAM identity center user in step 1, but step 2 is to issue a persistent access key from the IAM user.
Perhaps the documentation has not been updated in time.

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answered a year ago

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