Redshift Cluster Maintanence


Hi.. in case of using redshift multi AZ cluster, Is it possible to run a scheduled query on cluster maintanence time ?

asked 24 days ago95 views
1 Answer


could you please try this solution it will be helpful for you.

first identify the maintenance window for your Redshift cluster. This can be found in the AWS Management Console under Redshift -Clusters - [Your Cluster] Maintenance. Schedule your queries to run outside this window using Amazon Redshift Query Scheduling. For instance, if the maintenance window is from 1 AM to 3 AM, set your queries to run at 4 AM. For more control and flexibility, you can use AWS Lambda and CloudWatch Events. Create a Lambda function that checks the cluster's status and runs the query only if the cluster is available. Set up a CloudWatch Event to trigger this function at your desired time. This approach ensures that your queries are not affected by maintenance activities, maintaining their reliability and performance.

please look the AWS Document link if you got more information.

answered 24 days ago

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